How You Can Save Money with a Surplus Metal Supplier

Metal materials are essential for modern society. I-beams keep homes and businesses stable; screws, nuts, and bolts hold together almost any non-food product; steel pipes give us clean drinking water right in our own homes. But you know what isn’t so great about metal materials? They’re heavy, they’re expensive, and they take up a lot of space.

Luckily, as a surplus metal supplier, we’ve found ways to not only reduce purchasing and storage costs, but also ways to help you turn your problematic metal materials into profit. In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing how you can save money by working with a surplus metal supplier.

We’ll Take Your Surplus Metal

If you have a surplus of metals and nothing to do with them, then you might have a liability on your hands. First, you can’t just toss four tons of unused or unnecessary steel pipes out in the trash—you’d have to haul it to a dump, which takes time, money, and is hugely wasteful to boot. Simply discarding your surplus metals is anything but simple—it comes with serious monetary and opportunity costs. That’s where we come in.

If you have surplus metals and nothing to do with them, we will help you turn a problem into a profit. Bring us all the metals you have on hand and we will weigh them, price them, and pay you out for your trouble. If you want to increase your margins, we’ll even give you a better price if you clean the metal in advance.

We Sell Surplus Metal

So, we talked about how you can make money by selling us your surplus metal. But what about saving money by buying metals you need?

Well, when we buy surplus metals, we don’t just turn around and sell them at an upcharge. Instead, we clean them, cut them, or even melt them down into entirely new and improved materials. The best part? Despite our inventory’s quality being on par with many major metal suppliers, we can sell at reduced prices that your average steel distributor simply can’t match.

We don’t lack for variety, either. Thanks to our wide range contacts throughout the Kalamazoo community and beyond, we frequently sell materials such as:

  • I-Beams
  • Steel Sheets and Plates
  • Wire Mesh
  • Angles, Tubes, and Channels
  • Aluminum Bars, Sheets, and Diamond Plates
  • And many unique or rare metal materials

Affordable, High-Quality Materials from a Local Metal Supplier

Are you looking for high quality materials without breaking the bank? Or, do you need to get rid of your excess metals and want to turn a profit? If so, then our team here at Rescued Metals is here to help. For more information or to check our inventory, click here to contact us today!