Sell Your Surplus Steel for Extra Money
With the year coming to a close, you may be looking to unload some of the surplus steel in your inventory. Not only is it taking up physical space in your property that could be used for other purposes, but it could also help infuse cash into your business. By loading up that surplus steel and bringing it to Rescued Metals and Supply, you get the benefit of freed up space in your facility while also adding some cash to the company’s bottom line. In today’s post, we will discuss why you should bring your surplus steel, aluminum, and other metal to Rescued Metals and Supply in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Strategic Inventory Management
By proactively managing your inventory, you can maintain the amount you need while also maintaining a healthy bottom line. While it might be a luxury to have extra metal around, that metal can be used to influx cash into the business. This extra cash can be used for any number of reasons, helping you get the things your business needs or just keeping a healthy balance of cash. Rescued Metals and Supply buys quality surplus steel in various forms, including sheets, rods, pipes, tubes, beams, wire mesh, and more. Free up space in your shop and walk away with some cash in your pocket. Bring your surplus steel to Rescued Metals and Supply and sell it for top market value.
Environmental and Financial Sustainability
Every piece of surplus steel you have is capital that is tied up and incapable of being used. By selling this surplus steel and turning it into cash, you are transforming that metal into versatile capital that can be used for a variety of reasons, from paying bills or payroll to any repair or maintenance you may need to complete for your facility. Rescued Metals and Supply will pay competitive prices for your surplus steel, freeing up room at your facility and adding capital to your company’s bottom line.
Save Money on the Steel You Need
In addition to making a little money by selling us your surplus steel, you can also save money by buying steel from us for fabrication projects of all sizes. We have an ever-evolving inventory of steel in various forms that will allow you to find exactly the type of steel you need for your project at a fraction of the cost that other suppliers charge for the same metal. Whether you are a weekend warrior doing personal projects or a business owner needing a larger piece of steel for a fabrication job, you can find affordable steel with Rescued Metals and Supply. If there’s something specific you are looking for, feel free to contact us to see if we have what you need. We look forward to hearing from you.